Where is it that you want to go? I don’t mean physically, although whilst we’re in lockdown there are places that we all wish we could physically go. I mean, where do you want to go in your life?

If that question feels too huge, how about this one: how do you want to feel? Do you want to feel differently from the way you feel now?

I sometimes come across posts on social media asking about what coaching is. Life coaching, business coaching, well-being coaching – what is it all about? If you’re not a professional athlete, why do you need a coach? What do you get out of it, and what is expected of you?

It is really important to me to stress to clients that I don’t have any expectations of you. If you come to me for coaching you do not have to come with a fifty point life plan and incredible stretch goals. If you do, that’s great! If you don’t, that’s great too. The aim of coaching is not to make you into a different person. The aim of coaching is to help you to find the answers inside of you that take you to where YOU want to be. No matter where that is and no matter how you want to get there.

Professional athletes have coaches because they need someone to keep track of their progress, encourage them, push them to achieve their goals, and help them to understand and work through what is holding them back. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Why should that only be for people wanting a gold medal at the Olympics? Don’t we all need a cheerleader to encourage us, someone to celebrate with when we achieve, someone to help us get clarity on where we are headed and how we can get there with our existing skills and talents?

There is only one thing that you need in order to sign up for my Clear Ahead coaching package: you need to feel as though you want something in your life to change.

That’s it. You don’t need to have any answers or solutions. You just need to be committed to making a change, and if you have that commitment I can help you to do the rest.

So what will coaching look like?

  • We will explore all of the areas of your life and decide on which of those you would like to focus and make changes;
  • We will think about where you want to be, how you want to feel, what success or progress looks like to you and how you will feel when you get there;
  • We will look at where you are now, what are the blocks to getting started, what are the assumptions and beliefs that are holding you back, and what is really going on for you right now;
  • We will work out together what are the first steps you need to take, what are your choices, where do you go from here and how can that be broken down into simple tasks;
  • We will get you fired up for action, and you will be supported every step of the way, no matter how quickly or slowly you make progress on your journey.

If you are ready to feel differently, to move forwards and to make progress, please get in touch today. It is time now isn’t it? Let’s get you there.

Helen Calvert, May 2020